1) Insert_Recordset() :
Insert_recordset copies data from one or more tables directly into one resulting destination table on a single server trip.It is used to insert multiple records from one table to another at a single time.
static void update_recordsetExample(Args _args)
ProjCostTrans projCostTrans;
update_recordset projCostTrans setting Cancelled = NoYes::No
info("Process completed.");
It updates all records of ProjcostTrans with Cancelled field as No.
3) delete_from() :
As with the insert_recordset and update_recordset operators, there is also an option for deleting a chunk of records. This operator is called delete_from and is used as the next example shows:
static void delete_fromExample(Args _args)
CarTable cartable;
delete_from cartable where cartable.mileage ==0;
Happy Daxing:)
Insert_recordset copies data from one or more tables directly into one resulting destination table on a single server trip.It is used to insert multiple records from one table to another at a single time.
insert_recordset DestinationTable ( ListOfFields )
select ListOfFields1 from SourceTable [ where WhereClause ]
[ join ListOfFields2 from JoinedSourceTable
[ where JoinedWhereClause ]]
Example :
static void insert_recordsetExample(Args _args)
PlayerTable players;
PlayerTableDemo playr;
players.Name = "Kunal";
players.Contact = 9711734743;
players.Name = "Sahil";
players.Contact = 9711066466;
Insert_Recordset playr(Name,Contact)
select Name,Contact from players;
PlayerTable players;
PlayerTableDemo playr;
players.Name = "Kunal";
players.Contact = 9711734743;
players.Name = "Sahil";
players.Contact = 9711066466;
Insert_Recordset playr(Name,Contact)
select Name,Contact from players;
2) Update_Recordset() :
The update_recordset operator can be used to update a chunk of records in a table in one database operation.
static void update_recordsetExample(Args _args)
ProjCostTrans projCostTrans;
update_recordset projCostTrans setting Cancelled = NoYes::No
info("Process completed.");
3) delete_from() :
As with the insert_recordset and update_recordset operators, there is also an option for deleting a chunk of records. This operator is called delete_from and is used as the next example shows:
static void delete_fromExample(Args _args)
CarTable cartable;
delete_from cartable where cartable.mileage ==0;
Happy Daxing:)
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